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Parkour Champion

white goat in tree

Goats are natural climbers. In the mountains they clamber up steep rock faces to look for food. When danger threatens, they are gone surprisingly quickly.

Chèvres en équilibre - goats balancing on a flexible steel ribbon

Never compete with a goat when climbing. You will lose for sure. They can climb and jump faster than any human. There is nothing that makes goats in a meadow happier than something to climb on. And that can't be too crazy. Even on a flexible steel ribbon, they stay on all fours effortlessly. Try that on two legs!

The incredible ibex defies gravity and climbs a dam | Forces of Nature with Brian Cox - BBC

Goats climb almost vertical walls. Like these goats at a dam. Without a problem they run from left to right way above the ground. You get the shivers just by looking at it. Will Spiderman be replaced by Goatman in theaters soon? Who knows! Goatywood here we come.